What a wondrous life!

In the ever-shifting tapestry of life, my heart beats with a love so profound that even the heavens would be amazed. In gratitude, I thank YHWH for the precious moments shared with her, knowing that with divine guidance and her presence, nothing else is needed.

What a wondrous life!

Ever in ceaseless metamorphosis, I behold it, and witness my heart pulsate within its essence. Such is the boundless love that even the heavens would stand in awe. Ah, God. My gratitude overflows for the chance to share this fleeting fragment of time and existence with her. Though separated by distance, "Heaven is a neighborhood."

Thank you, thank you, and thank you, YHWH, for guiding my every step. With you and with her, I know I require nothing more.

Welcome to The MoonFlower Society.