An Ocean of Time

I've heard your life flashes before your eyes before you die. That moment stretches infinitely, like an ocean of time. Amidst the world's beauty, gratitude fills my heart for every moment of my small, foolish life. You may not understand now, but one day you will.

An Ocean of Time
The Sea of Solitude (AI-generated) by Pablo Murad - 2024

I have heard it said that your entire life passes before your eyes in the fleeting moment before you die. Yet, that moment is no mere second; it expands infinitely, like an ocean of time.

For me, it was lying on my back at scout camp, gazing at shooting stars; and the yellow leaves from the maple trees that lined our street; or my grandmother's hands, the skin so delicate it resembled parchment; and the first time I beheld the Kremlin in Moscow. And Lu... and Lu.

One might think I would be furious about what befell me; but how can one harbor anger when the world holds such beauty?

At times, I feel as if I am witnessing everything all at once, and it becomes overwhelming—my heart swells like a balloon on the verge of bursting. Then, I remember to relax, to cease my futile attempts to hold on. It flows through me like rain.

And, in that moment, I can feel nothing but profound gratitude for every instant of my small, foolish life.

You have no idea what I am talking about, I am sure. But do not worry. You will understand someday.

see ya...